Friday, September 5, 2008

This is Livingstone

This begins the blog account for the home of the Lost Boys of Sudan, located in Annapolis, Md. called "Livingstone". The purpose for the blog is to document the activities at and condition of the house, the highlights and notable travelings of the guys who live here, and to express the needs for supportive contributions and donated goods and/or services.
The overarching purpose of the house is to provide, for the guys, a supportive atmosphere and location for daily living and growth toward an ever deepening relationship with God, through His son Jesus Christ.
In subsequent posts, I will detail further aspects of why we do what we do here. As a facility, we are in constant need of support in order to maintain the house and are always ready to receive tax deductible contributions.
Please contact me by way of the email in the profile. Through that address, I can privately forward you information on how to join us in support.